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About the club


Cabra Kayak Club was established in June 2016 by a small group of people working for a community based youth project called Cabra for Youth. As a youth service within the Cabra community, Cabra for Youth built up significant resources to provide young people with the opportunity to kayak on the the nearby amenity of the Royal Canal. Cabra Kayak Club was established to extend the service to the wider community of Cabra and the club has been growing ever since.  


What we offer:

We are a voluntary sports club affiliated to Canoeing Ireland and we offer approved certified training courses, training sessions and family events. We operate all year round kayaking on Irish rivers as well as International venues. The club is primarily running whitewater kayaking, freestyle kayaking and training courses.  All of our activities are aimed at increasing participation in paddlesports and we dedicate time during summer to getting people active on the canal. 


Where we are:

Cabra Kayak Club is based from the recently rebuilt Lock Keepers Cottage at Lock 6 on the Royal Canal which provides the opportunity for our club members to enjoy a fantastic local amenity (The Royal Canal). 



We believe in making paddlesports affordable and accessible for people. The club was set up to work with the local community and we continue to promote it in this way but we are also open to people from other parts of Dublin. Our membership fees are paid annually but we ask people to come to one of our open days and see if they like kayaking before paying for membership. If you enjoy yourself at one of the open days then you can register on one of our beginner courses and become a member on completion of that training. 


Who we are:

The club is managed by a group of dedicated volunteers and we have members who are qualified kayak instructors. All of our activities are run with safety and child protection as the first priority and our instructors/ volunteers are Garda Vetted through Canoeing Ireland. We are closely linked with Cabra for Youth and share the premises and equipment



The club began to run its activities from the harbour at Lock 6 and over the past few years with support from Waterways Ireland, TransdevDublin City Council, Iarnrod Eireann and funding from the Sports Capital Grant Scheme, Cabra for Youth and Cabra Kayak Club have rebuilt the Lock Keepers Cottage at Lock 6 and activities run from there weekly. 


Cabra Kayak Club Management Committee:


Chairperson: Peter Treanor

Secretary: Mark Finn

Treasurer: Mark Finn

Member: Elizabeth Duffy

Member: Neil Wilson


Club Officers:


Equipment Officer: Tom Byrne

Childrens Officer: Mark Finn

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2019 Cabra Kayak Club

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